Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Leap of Faith

For some reason I don't completely understand, a non-theist friend of mine likes to listens to Moody Radio (a conservative Christian broadcast sponsored by Moody Bible Institute). I think he likes it because what he hears on Moody Radio angers him, and I guess he likes to be angry. I know that, when he tells me what he hears on Moody, it angers me.

Today he told me that they said that atheism is just another religion. And yes, I got angry. I got angry even though I've heard this accusation a time and again from theists. The fundies just can't accept that an epistemology can be anything but faith-based, and nothing I or anyone else can say will make them budge on that.

And, indeed, why should they budge? Learning to think critically is hard work. Trying to understand science takes effort. Why put all that time and effort into something when you can simply take a leap of faith?

A leap of faith requires no discipline, it requires no work, and it'll never require you to admit when you are wrong.

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