Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun with Facebook

A new Facebook friend of mine recently updated her status to the following:

"To all my FB friends, just a little note on some of the posts I get: From now on, if you choose to be ghetto, dis my church, or have something to say about my Christianity, if you chose to use profanity or otherwise speak in an manner that is offensive to me, you will no longer be on my list of friends. I don't judge..."

Never mind the paradoxical nature of that last sentence. I didn't want to start any conflicts with this person because I agree that we should comport ourselves civilly on Facebook: one never knows whose boss or children might be reading someone's wall. I'd hate to think that anything I wrote jeopardized a friend's job.

Having said that, I generally do have something to "say about" people's Christianity. If they construe that as "dissing" their church, too bad. (And, isn't saying the word "dis" itself somewhat "ghetto"?)

Listen, "your" Christianity wasn't foisted upon you; you chose it for yourself. Presumably you had reasons for choosing it. If I called those reasons into question, does that really merit de-friending me? I just don't understand people who think their religion is above questioning or criticism. If you can't justify the choices you made, maybe they were bad choices to begin with.

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